Independent Satellites

Organize an independent satellite, workshop, or demonstration during the World Congress.

Organizations wishing to hold an independent satellite, demonstration or workshop during the 12th World Congress are required to submit the Satellite Request Form contained within the exhibit and support prospectus to obtain approval from IBIA. Upon the approval of IBIA, a company may compose its own branded session during designated one hour time slots. These Independently Sponsored Satellites (ISS) will be promoted in all official IBIA printed and web-based materials.

IBIA will assign room space within the conference center for use by satellite organizers. Due to space limitations, it is likely that satellite sessions will take place in the same rooms as IBIA’s general sessions. Therefore, satellite organizers should expect that they will not have access to the space until the times noted below.


The satellite organizer is encouraged to promote and market their symposium to generate attendance. Approved satellites will be listed and included in the schedule of events on the IBIA website, and in the on-site program. Organizers may also provide a one-page promotional flyer (at organizers expense) for inclusion in the delegate registration bags. Organizer may display two promotional easel-mounted signs during the Congress.

The satellite organizer may provide food and beverages for ISS attendees at the sponsor’s expense. Please note that IBIA will not provide any food and beverage service during designated ISS times.

The sponsoring organization must:

  • Fulfill funding obligations in advance of the meeting
  • Hold IBIA harmless from any and all claims that may result from the sponsored session
  • Provide high-quality scientific information for healthcare providers
  • Complete and return the Satellite Application form
  • Include the qualifying statement contained on the Satellite Application (Appendix C of prospectus) in all promotional material.


Each ISS slot may be reserved for a flat fee of $7,500. Discounts on ISS may be considered as part of an overall support package. Contact the IBIA administrative office for details:, or call +713 526-6900.

Scheduling and Location

ISS may not conflict with IBIA scientific program activities or organized events. While subject to change pending the final educational program, the following dates/times have been designated for ISS:

Thursday, March 30, 2024
12:15 - 1:15pm (Lunch)
8:00 - 9:00pm (Evening)

Friday, March 31, 2024
12:15 - 1:15pm (Lunch)
7:00 - 8:00pm (Evening)

Saturday, April 1, 2024
12:15 - 1:15pm (Lunch)

Submittance and Review Process

Click here to fill out the independent satellite form within Appendix C. Applications are reviewed by members of the IBIA scientific committee and notification of acceptance or denial will be provided within two weeks of submission.

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