Dr. David Tate is a clinical neuropsychologist trained at Brigham Young University (academic training) and Brown Medical School (clinical internship and post-doctoral training). He is heavily involved in medical imaging research used to examine a number of developmental, clinical, and medical disorders including traumatic brain injury (TBI). Dr. Tate has held faculty appointments at Brown University, Boston University, Harvard Medical School, and University of Texas Health Science Center. Currently, he is an Associate Professor in the Missouri Institute of Mental Health at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Dr. Tate has an active funded research program that explores the biological and cognitive benefits of cognitive rehabilitation treatments for service members with a traumatic brain injury. He also supports the Neuroimaging Core for the Chronic Effects of Neurotrauma Consortium (CENC) which is a multicenter DoD/VA funded collaborative effort to study the long-term effects of mild traumatic brain injury among US service members and veterans. In addition, he has also begun working with researchers examining the imaging and cognitive effects that high altitude flying has on pilots working in decompressed environments.
Specialties: Neuropsychology, Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussion, MRI Research Methods, HIV Infection, Neuropsychological Assessment