Tessa Hart, PhD is Institute Scientist at the Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, where she directs the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Clinical Research Laboratory and the Moss Traumatic Brain Injury Model System; and Research Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia. A clinical neuropsychologist by training, Dr. Hart devoted the first portion of her career to treating patients and families affected by TBI and developing innovative treatment models for inpatient, outpatient, and residential service delivery. Now as a full-time clinical researcher committed to understanding and ameliorating the long-term effects of TBI, she has received funding from the NIH, NIDILIRR, the PA Department of Health, and other agencies to study executive function, emotional function, and self-regulation. Her other interests include vocational rehabilitation for TBI, the use of assistive technology for cognition, and methods for rehabilitation research, including clinical trials methodology and the effort to parse complex treatments into their active ingredients.
Dr. Hart is a Fellow of ACRM and served on its Board of Governors. She chaired the BI-ISIG’s Task Force on Treatment Theory, and received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the BI-ISIG in 2010. She is also a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, served as President of its Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology), and received its Diller Award for outstanding research in neurorehabilitation in 2011. Dr. Hart serves on multiple Editorial Boards and expert panels, including international grant review panels.