BA (Hons), MA (Clin Neuropsych), PhD, FAPS, FASSA, FAAHMS, FASSBI
Professor Anderson is a paediatric neuropsychologist, Head of Psychology at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Director, Clinical Sciences Research, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, NHMRC Senior Practitioner Fellow and University of Melbourne Professorial Fellow (Psychology and Paediatrics). She has over 400 scientific publications and 6 books, and $30 million in competitive research funds. She is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences of Australia, the Australian Psychological Society, and a founding fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Scientists and Associate Editor of the APA journal ‘Neuropsychology’ and the BPS ‘Journal of Neuropsychology’.
Her research and clinical interests are in disorders of childhood that impact on the brain, including both developmental and acquired disorders. Her research team, The Australian Centre for Child Neuropsychology Studies, has contributed to this field by establishing the vulnerability of the young brain to injury and the importance of the family in maximising recovery from childhood injury and illness. Her recent work has extended to developing evidence for e-health approaches to parent-focused psychosocial treatments as a means of maximising child outcomes and improving family function. Her research group are also working on clinical programs aimed at developing evidence-based guidelines for the treatment and management of child concussion and severe head injuries.