Karen McAvoy, PsyD is dually credentialed as a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and a School Psychologist in Colorado. She was the School Psychologist at the high school attended by Jake Snakenberg when he passed away from “Second Impact Syndrome” in 2004. As a result, Karen developed the Community-Based Multi-Disciplinary Team approach to concussion management known as REAP (Reduce-Remove*Educate*Adjust-Accommodate*Pace). Seven years later, in 2011, the Colorado Concussion Bill is named the “Jake Snakenberg Youth Concussion Act”. After 20+ years, Dr McAvoy left the school district to open and direct the Center for Concussion with Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children and to join the Colorado Department of Education as a brain injury consultant. Her front-line experience in both educational and medical settings gives her a unique perspective in the development of concussion/brain injury awareness, management and intervention.